We offer easy to use and radar based level monitoring solutions. We offer easy to use and radar based level monitoring solutions for chemicals, oils and (waste)water.
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Finding blockages in sewer systems

Finding blockages in sewer systems


A town on the border between The Netherlands and Belgium had flooding problems during heavy rain. They did not know whether the flooding was caused by the Dutch or the Belgian sewer system.

Sewer protection kit cloud level radar

Installation with minimal road closures

Staal Instruments installed 10 sensors for them, 5 on the Dutch side and 5 on the Belgian side. It took only 2:30h because we did’t have to do any wiring. This saved a lot of time for our customer who had 4 people supporting us with road blocks and traffic management.

Wireless communication

The wireless communication worked flawlessly from inside of the sewer systems, beneath the manhole covers. The Sensors automatically searched for the strongest signal from Belgian as well as from Dutch networks.

Direct insights in sewer problems

Two weeks after installation we evaluated the setup and run through the data with the customer. In this session we could already pinpoint the problem. One location was recovering very slowly after a rain shower in comparison with the other locations.

Wrap up:

So with a minimal investment in our radar level monitoring solution, this municipality can now fix the problem and protect their citizens.

 Municipality of Woensdrecht Gemeente

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