We offer easy to use and radar based level monitoring solutions. We offer easy to use and radar based level monitoring solutions for chemicals, oils and (waste)water.
Home / Technology / StaalCloud version 6.0 - Update on "Assets"
StaalCloud version 6.0 - Update on "Assets"

StaalCloud version 6.0 - Update on "Assets"

We have collected feedback from our users and converted this into new functionalities. The new update 6.0 that is released in April 2021, is a major change that will also affect the recognisable layout of a number of pages. It will take some effort from our users to check the new features and find their new and more efficient way of working.

Most updates have been made on the asset page and asset-list page. Probably the most viewed pages by our customers. The general feedback that we received on our 'old' interface that it showed too much information on one Asset page. Our slogan is to keep it clear, simple and easy to use, so we had to simplify the interfaces of our portal even further.

New layout for the charts

For the asset page we introduced a complete new layout for the charts. There is only one fill-level chart displayed and there are options to switch between charts, select time ranges or display meta data such as alert zones and sensor setting changes.

StaalCloud Staal Instruments Cloud Level Radar

Furthermore we introduced more personal preferences to choose from regarding the visualisation of the chart, like high contrast (when working outside in direct sunlight) and curve smoothing. For these options you will have to navigate to "My preferences"

Asset types and multiple unit options

Level / volume sensing and level monitoring is applied in a variety of sectors and markets. Where the technology is exactly the same, measuring distance to fluid surface, the representation of the level or volume information can differ. We now support more applications than ever with 10 different Asset Types: Drum, Container, Vertical tank, Horizontal tank, Silo, Bunker, Gauging station, Sewer network, Lifting station and Generic distance measurements. 

Also the units (mm, cm, kg, liter), in which the data is represented, can be chosen per Asset or application. In the chemical market, for example, it is common practice to calculate in kilograms, where other sectors prefer liters. The same is with mm or cm in water and sewer applications.

base information

Customising Assets

Each Asset in the StaalCloud represents a sensor installation on a tank, IBC, drum or gauging station for local water levels. To give users the ability to add more context to an Asset we introduced an additional field for an extended description and the option to upload pictures of the asset and sensor situation. 

Both features are directly derived from the use of the portal by our customers. The descriptions and pictures will also help with online support for our customers. The Staal Instruments support department has much more context at a glance.


The first feedback from our customers is positive. But we are always looking for more feedback.  Let us know what you think so that we can serve you even better!


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