We offer easy to use and radar based level monitoring solutions. We offer easy to use and radar based level monitoring solutions for chemicals, oils and (waste)water.
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Future Fuels Wholesale - Remote Monitoring

Future Fuels Wholesale Blauwe Diesel radar niveausensor
Future Fuels Wholesale, formerly Wiersma Olie en Techniek, is active as a fuel dealer in the Netherlands. They supply Blue Diesel EN950, its own specific fuel product line based on the best quality and the highest durability. As an importer of Neste MY renewable Diesel in the Netherlands, it enjoys a strong position in the market. A nationwide network of dealers and sub dealers makes it possible to supply the end user quickly and actively.

Volume Measurements on VARIBOX IBC by van Iperen and Hydrocare

Volume Measurements on VARIBOX IBC by van Iperen and Hydrocare
Due to the fact Van Iperen uses the double-walled Varibox, the volume cannot be monitored manually and therefore Van Iperen uses a new technology; The radar based volume measurement of Staal Instruments. This offers a number of advantages. The most important advantage: Radar measures through the plastic boxes, even double walled!

Surface Water Monitoring by Brabantse Delta (Dutch Water Board)

Surface Water Monitoring by Brabantse Delta (Dutch Water Board)

Description and conclusions of the pilot “measuring water level with the Staal radar measurement” carried out by the Brabantse Delta Water Board. 

The new measuring technique has been compared by Brabantse Delta with the current measuring techniques. For six months, two Staal wireless radar sensors were placed next to existing measurement techniques. 

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